New Job!

Since my last life update post was two and a half months ago, I decided it was time for another...

So, since that last update, a few things have changed. The lady I was replacing at Meals on Wheels finally came back the end of August. I helped out for a week or so in the interim, and then replaced the helper (preparing desserts and salads) for a about a week.

My schedule at the restaurant changed a couple months ago, as well. Instead of working Tuesdays and Thursdays, I began working Friday afternoons (after working the morning at Meals on Wheels), giving me Thursdays off for a while, which was nice.

This past week I started my new position at Community Aid (the organization that runs the Meals on Wheels program) in the office. My title is Office Agent (mostly scheduling and data entry), and they were very kind to organize my hours in order to accommodate my job at the restaurant. So I work in the office every day, but Tuesday and Friday afternoons I go to work at the restaurant. Community Aid offers several different services to seniors, including Meals on Wheels, a weekly foot clinic, monthly blood pressure clinic, Escort Transport (transportation to doctor's appointments, etc), social outings, and friendly visits. My tasks involve preparing route slips for Meals on Wheels, scheduling and confirmation of foot clinic & blood pressure clinic appointments, and finding drivers for escort transport.

So it was a long week! Absorbing so much new information, taking on much longer hours than I've become used to for the past eight months (and then realized that I had put in three hours too many - whoops!), and being pushed out of my comfort zone a little bit. I had hoped to have a productive weekend - maybe do some crafts, work on Christmas gifts, get caught up on some laundry, organize my correspondence... But pretty much none of that has happened so far. Oh well, sometimes Saturdays are just meant for vegging on the Internet.


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