Happy New Year 2013

Wow. 2013! I know, I'm a little late getting around to it, since we're already 11 days in, but at least it's still January, right? :) I should have been doing this between Christmas and New Year, but I was having a difficult time right then, and just starting to feel better now, so...

Let's see... A summary of 2012 would probably be a good place to start. I started out the year by passing the one year mark of full-time work at GCRH, which was pretty exciting. Then in April I got laid off, and that wasn't so exciting. I decided to go ahead and finally take the Pastry course I've been dreaming of taking for some time, but found out I'd have to wait until Autumn 2013 to start, so then I started job searching and found this 6-month contract with the local Women's Centre at their second hand clothing store. In July I joined Compassion Canada on an exposure trip to Haiti where I was able to meet Ismelanda, a 15 year old girl I've been writing to for a couple of years - that was very exciting! In August I celebrated my 25th birthday. I didn't really do anything special, and it kind of went by without much ado, but 25 is a pretty big deal to me. Where has the time gone?! Seems like yesterday I was 18, or 21... Aaaand, that about sums up 2012 for me!

Now, about those resolutions... I always give myself way too many things and fail miserably at most if not all. My resolutions for 2012 were kind of in 2 parts. I wanted to try doing 30-day challenges for the year. I had some Facebook friends who had done it the year before, and I thought it sounded like an interesting challenge - you only have to commit to 30 days! This was much, much harder than you would expect it to be. And then I also had some general goals for the year. So, my 30-day challenges, to be completed in no particular order, were:
(a) No internet/Facebook
(b) No chocolate/soda
(c) Regular journaling/blogging
(d) Writing physical letters/notes to friends
(e) Take 1 photograph a day
(f) Be creative for 30min/day OR make something every day
(g) Reading for 30min/day
(h) Exercise for 30min/day
(i) No TV/movies
(j) Practice piano for 15min/day
(k) Not spending money on myself
(l) Spending at least 15min/day outside

In the end I only attempted about 3, and failed them all. My other goals for the year were:
(1) Read throught the Bible
(2) Read 52 books
(3) Lose weight (specific number that I don't wish to share)
(4) Raise money for Haiti

I did raise most of the money for Haiti, and I read well over 52 books, so I consider those goals to be successes. I actually did not even attempt to read through the Bible, which I'm quite ashamed of. My attempt at losing weight was to try the C25K challenge, which I was doing quite well with, for a few weeks. So that was a partial success. I didn't lose any weight, but I was exercising regularly. I should try in again.

For 2013, I'm going to try to be a bit more realistic about my goals/resolutions. This year I'd like to try the Less365 challenge. I've been feeling overwhelmed by the amount of possessions I have and I keep saying I'm going to clean up my room or whatever, but I never do because there's just too much stuff to fit, you know? And it's really hard to just get rid of stuff. So anyway, starting small, my goal this year would be to get rid of 1 thing every day for the year. It could be to go to garbage or to goodwill, but storage doesn't count - it has to be leaving the house and my possession. I haven't started yet, but this next week I will probably start looking over my wardrobe. There will probably be lots there to give away - things that don't fit anymore, or that I just don't like or wouldn't wear if they did fit. So that's my major goal for the year.

My second goal is not to lose weight, but just to have a healthier attitude toward food, and life in general. Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet, substitute water for soft drinks more often, etc. And make an effort to get outside more and walk.

I have a few other personal goals, as I do every year - to read through the Bible, cross off some of the books on my To Read list... And I guess that's it! Hope you all had a happy and healthy Christmas season, and that 2013 is a safe and profitable year for you!


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